St George's Church


Current news at St. George's, Stalybridge

Important notice from The Rev'd Denise Owen

Change of Service Times - You may be aware that the times of our services will be changing in the coming months.  I intend to introduce the change in August, so the first Sunday with the new service times will be 4th August.
The pattern of services on Sundays will be 9.30am at St George, Stalybridge and 11.30am at St George, Mossley.  The pattern of worship at St John the Baptist, Roughtown is still to be confirmed, but there will be a service of Holy Communion at 8am once a month on the first Sunday.
I know these are big changes and some of you may be unhappy with the new arrangements, but, I’m afraid they have to made.  I hope over time as we settle in to the new worship pattern we will get used to worshipping together at these different times, and find that God continues to bless us and we pray calls more people to join us.
You’ll notice that I’m using the word worship. This is, of course, deliberate because this is what we do and are as the Church. We worship God and we seek to serve God. This is not changing! 
Please pray for our churches as we look to the future and to what God is asking of us.
Revd Denise

In and around St. George's

The July result for the 200 Club is 1st prize of £25 goes to Alex Pickup, 2nd prize of £15 goes to Linda Hurst, and 3rd prize of £10 is to Janet Shove. There are still some numbers available so if you would like to join the club please speak to Rose. The cost is £12 per number, which you hold for the full year.

Heritage Open Day - 14th September 2024, 11.00am to 3pm.  We are taking part in Heritage Open Day again this year, where the church will be open to visitors and you can browse the various features in and around the church, with guides on hand to answer any questions you may have. Refreshments will also be available.

If you own or are responsible for a memorial in St. George's churchyard, please check the results of the latest Memorial Survey here for the list of stones that need re-securing.  If you have any queries, please contact the warden or Ian Cooke.


Events at our neighbouring Mossley Churches

Informal prayer, meditation and praise - second Wednesday of every month

Parishioners from St George's Stalybridge are welcomed to join an evening of informal prayer, meditation and praise held at St John the Baptist, Roughtown, Mossley (Carrhill Road, Roughtown Road, Mossley OL5 0SA).  This event is to be held on the second Wednesday of every month, from April 2023.  You can check events at St John's by clicking here.


Facilities at St. George's

Did you know we offer two rooms for hire?

We offer two general purpose rooms for hire, for meetings (such as work, social, hobby-group etc), parties, functions and the like.  More details are here.

Grave Tidy Service

While we try to keep all of the graveyard clean and tidy, we offer a grave tidy and attendance service from April to October.  The service is to ensure particular graves are fully deweeded, well trimmed, neat and clear of leaves and twigs.  We will also clean and do minor resetting of loose memorials.  All of this is just £30 per year.  If you are interested, have a chat with Ian Cooke.

Appeal for various volunteers

We would welcome extra volunteers to help out with the church facilities and functions.  Why not join in?  There are a variety of ways to help, the comitment is always flexible and you won't be on your own!

Cleaning our building

We could really do with some extra cleaners to help with the cleaning of our wonderful building.  Cleaning is usually done one midweek morning per week.  Any help from 1-3 hrs would be much appreciated, please speak to one of the wardens, or email them here, or phone 07553258674 if you are able to help. Thank you.

George's Kitchen

George's Kitchen provides support and meals to vulnerable residents in the area.  They are looking for volunteers for a range of jobs, and you can commit as much or as little as you wish.
Jobs include:
    Prep assistants (helping the cook by pealing and chopping vegetables, washing up, etc)
    Delivering the meals (done in pairs)
    Admin (sorting rotas etc)

If you would like to know more, please contact Andrew on 07783 009157 or by email at

Maintenance team

The maintenance team do a variety of grounds maintenance jobs - pruning, mowing, strimming and other jobs to keep the cemetery tidy and safe.  There are also occasional jobs to do on the building, such as painting or repair works.  Often we attend two afternoons per week (weather permitting!), but any assistance that you can offer would be appreciated, even if you can't help every week.  Please speak to one of the wardens, or email them here, or phone 07553258674 if you are able to help. Thank you.

Junior Church

Junior Church meet on the first Sunday of the month, and do activities which are then presented during the Sunday morning service.  We could do with extra volunteers to help support the group. Please speak to one of the Junior Church Leaders, or a warden, or email them here, or phone 07553258674 if you are able to help. Thank you.


If you're a regular at St. George's, can you take over the production of the e-newsletter?  Please speak to one of the wardens if you are able to help. Thank you.


Our regular events

Parish Eucharist - Sunday service with Holy Communion every 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sunday in the month at 10.30am.

Junior Church - Junior Church meet on the 1st Sunday of each month at 10.30am, and show work that they do to the main service mid-morning .

Worship for All - a simple Sunday service for everyone of all ages, including Holy Communion, every 4th Sunday in the month at 10.30am.

Midweek Service - Tuesday mornings 10.30am to 11.30am - a complete Said Parish Eucharist (spoken), with Psalms, prayers and Bible readings.

Come Together Cafe - every Thursday at 1pm. Come along for a friendly time of conversation, with tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes! No charge. All are welcome!

Dementia Cafe - every first and third Friday in the month at 11.30am. Providing support, fun, and friendship to those living with Dementia and their carers.  For further information or to book your place, ring Chris on 07714 235736.  Check the calendar for any timing changes.

Tameside Community Voices - choir practice for T.C.V., a popular group of choristers that is external to St. George's but who also include a number of our congregation. They have a fun time singing hymns, and especially theme tunes and old and new hits. If you would like to join, simply turn up at the practice and speak to Joyce Hansell. There are no auditions! TCV practice on Thursdays, 7.30-9.00pm during school term times.


Brownies / Guides - Girl Guiding from 7 to 14 years, Wednesdays, 6.30 or 7.30pm depending on group (excl. school holidays).  See our webpage here for details. (currently the Rainbows group, for ages 4-7yrs, doesn't meet)

Tiny Tots - St. George's 'Tiny Tots' baby, toddler and carer, stay and play group. Playing, singing, crafting and drawing, and snacks, the group meets every Monday and Thursday 9.00-11.00am (excl. school holidays). There is a small charge of £1 per child.

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