St George's Church


Easter and Lent services

Events and services over Lent and Easter

The eight days from Palm Sunday to Easter Day are the most important in the Christian Year, when we follow our Lord Jesus Christ on the Way of the Cross.  From Sunday morning to Saturday night we are invited to reflect on the cost of our salvation - on how far we have strayed from God and on how far he came to win us back.  If we use these days wisely and prayerfully, we shall be all the more able to take a full part in the joyful Easter celebration of his being raised from the dead.


Palm Sunday - the Sunday before Easter Sunday - commemorating Jesus's entry into Jerusalem and being greeted by people waving palm branches is on 13th April.

9.30am at St George Stalybridge Holy Communion, prayer and service
9.30am at St John Roughtown Service of the Word
11.30am at St George Mossley Holy Communion, prayer and service


14th April at 10.30am - Chrism Mass at Manchester Cathedral - one of the most solemn and important liturgies of the Christian liturgical calendar. It is a ceremony that takes place during Holy Week at which holy oils are blessed and consecrated by the Bishop.


Stations of the Cross - An opportunity to consider, reflect on and pray as one views a series of images of Jesus Christ with the cross.

Monday 14th April, 7pm at St George Mossley
Tuesday 15th April, 7pm at St George Stalybridge


The midweek Parish Eucharist will be on Tuesday 15th April at 10.30am at St George Stalybridge


Wednesday 16th April at 7pm at St John, Roughtown - Prayers and readings for Holy Week


Maundy Thursday - 17th April - Prayer, service and communion commemorating the Washing of the Feet and the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles

5pm at St George Mossley Bring and Share supper
7-10pm at St George Mossley Holy Communion with foot washing and vigil
St George Stalybridge TBC Holy Communion with stripping of the altar


Good Friday, 18th April

10.30am at St George Stalybridge The Liturgy of the Cross: Prayer and service on this day commemorating the love and crucifixion of Jesus Christ
2.00pm at St George Mossley Meditations before the Cross: Readings and Prayers


Holy Saturday - 10.30am at St George Stalybridge

Holy Saturday is traditionally a day of quiet reflection and mourning following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ the day before.  But it is also a day of preparation for his resurrection.  After a busy week, we will be cleaning the church and dressing the altar in preparation for Easter Sunday.


Easter Holy Communion, Sunday, 20th April, celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

9.30am at St George Stalybridge
9.30am at St John Roughtown
11.30am at St George Mossley


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