St George's Church




In 1907 Lord Robert Baden-Powell founded the Boy Scout Movement, and very soon the girls wanted to join too by gate crashing the first Boy Scout Rally at Crystal Palace demanding “something for the girls”.  Lord Baden – Powell decided that there should be a Movement for girls and so in 1909 the Guide Association was formed.

In the early days there were calls from girls for new age groups to be set up. Brownies (originally called Rosebuds were set up for girls under eleven. A Senior Guide group for older girls came in 1916 now called Rangers. Guiding’s youngest group Rainbows was formed in 1987.

The first mention of Girlguiding coming to Old St George’s was in 1933. However, no records seemed to have been kept around this time, but Girl Guides certainly existed towards the end of that year and Brownies were formed a few years later.

In the late 1950s Guides and Brownies were to be found at New St George’s and were known as the 5th Stalybridge (St George’s) Units. These Units were very popular and began to grow in numbers. In the 1970s and 1980s St. George’s Guides were very proud to have had seven Girl Guides who had achieved their Queen’s Guide Award for their achievements. (This Award was the highest award they could receive in the Guide section) One or two of these girls are now Leaders in our present Units!.) Our waiting lists were rising especially for Brownies and so in 1985 we opened a second Brownie Unit known as the 11th Stalybridge (St George’s) Unit and in 1988 we opened our 5th Stalybridge (St George’s) Rainbow Unit. This was the first Rainbow Unit to be opened in Stalybridge. Sadly, very soon after this our 5th Brownie Unit had to close due to the lack of leaders.

Throughout the 20th century Girlguiding continued to develop a programme which encouraged girls to challenge themselves. More than 100 years after Girlguiding began we continue to do amazing things. In 2018, a brand-new programme was launched for all members from Rainbows to Rangers. It was the biggest refresh of Badges and Awards that Girlguiding had ever seen. Led by the skills and passions of girls today six themes were created for our members to explore and over 800 new badges and Activities were introduced, proving that Girlguiding is still committed to listening to what girls need and delivering new and inspiring opportunities.

Guiding by age group

Rainbows are aged 4 to 7yrs. Rainbows is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun. Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, get in touch with nature and play games - it's all about learning by doing.  Rainbows follow a diverse and engaging programme and can take part in lots of different activities with girls their own age.

Brownies is for girls aged 7 to 10 years.  Brownies introduces girls to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun. They get together with their friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, get creative, develop skills and have outdoor adventures.  As well as trying activities in their meetings, girls choose from interest badges related to things they want to know more about.

Guides are aged 10 to 14 years.  What you do in Guides is up to you, from taking part in lots of exciting activities at regular meetings to special events and trips away.  You will choose from different badges and awards which will help you learn new skills and try new challenges, some of which will be done on your own while others will be in groups in your regular unit meetings.

Enquiries about joining

Anyone wishing to make enquiries about joining should go online and look up “Guiding”.  You can also use the links below.  This is the only way we can accept new members these days.  At the present time all Units have places available as many girls never returned after the Covid outbreak when we were unable to meet.

From September 2023 all of the meetings will be in church on Wednesday evenings as follows (excl. school holidays).

(Rainbows Wednesdays 6:30-7.30 pm - currently not meeting)
Brownies Wednesdays 6:30-7.45 pm  
Guides Wednesdays 7:30-8.30 pm  

For information about Girl Guiding, visit: Girlguiding UK.

To register a child to join, and joining information for parents: Girlguiding UK registration

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