There are 15 photo albums.
Ladies Day 2019 (8 photos)
Ladies day on the 10th of August 2019
Christmas Fair 2018 (13 photos)
Photos from our Christmas fair 25/11/2018
Heritage treasure trail 2018 (7 photos)
treasure trail round Portland basin and museum
Spring Fair 2018 (7 photos)
Photos from the annual Spring Fair
Easter 2018 (11 photos)
Photos from our easter Day celebrations
Whit Walk 2009 - new Banner (11 photos)
Our first Whit Walk using the New St Georges banner sewn by our ladies
Organs at the two St Georges (5 photos)
Photos of the organs at Old and New St Georges
New St George's Whit Walks (9 photos)
photos from the congregation
Old St George's Whit Walks (7 photos)
Whit Walk Photos
Old St. George's Football team (8 photos)
Group Photos
Old St. Georges Boys Brigade Groups (9 photos)
Group Photo's from several years
Old St. George's Church (8 photos)
Miscellaneous Photos
Old St Georges Boys Brigade in Camp (14 photos)
Camp at Withernsea Spurn Point 1955
Outside St. George's Church (4 photos)
Views of the Church and Churchyard
Inside St George's Church (7 photos)
Photos taken by Revd. Philip Brierley